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Search results

  1. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Haha this is my last post friend, come to the west.es, we'll wait for you there, but I'm telling you that teddy2 doesn't work in Spanish, you must ask them to update it before entering the west of the honest and not cheaters like you and that more than a year ago our manager JaDiaz, informed of...
  2. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Jaja este es mi último post amigo, vente al the west.es, ahí te esperamos, pero te comento que el teddy2 no funciona en español, debes pedir que lo actualicen para antes entrar al the west de los honestos y no tramposos como ustedes y que hace más de un año nuestro manager JaDiaz, informo de la...
  3. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

  4. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

  5. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Translated into English by Google el.previous message You speak perfect Spanish, friend, don't play dumb, trying to take advantage of the translation to try to misrepresent what one says, I'll make it clearer anyway, that script you named Doddy, deddy, teddy2 or whatever it's called, will It...
  6. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Hablas perfecto español amigo, no te hagas el tontito, tratando de aprovecharte de la traducción para tratar de tergiversar lo que uno dice, de todas maneras lo hago más claro, ese script que vos nombraste Doddy, deddy, teddy2 o como se llame, te permite que determines a qué porcentaje de...
  7. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Translated into English by Google el.previous message Friend Uchida or felixzey just to remind you that on April 18 you posted this message in the beta forum, where you clarified that no person could be playing all day and sleeping only three or four hours, and you said that the player JWillow...
  8. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Amigo Uchida o felixzey solo a manera de hacerte recordar que el día 18 de abril posteaste este mensaje en el forum del beta, dónde aclarabas que ninguna persona podía estar jugando todo el día y durmiendo solamente tres o cuatro horas, y dijiste que el jugador JWillow, probablemente padecía...
  9. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Ahí tenés amigo Uchiha o felixzey, ya no sé cómo te llamas y después dices que te banearon por un script de oro y plata, como esto es solo para vos, lo escribo en español, tu que crees que mentía, no pensaba más decir nada pero como tú insistes, SOS un tramposo y ahí está la prueba
  10. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

  11. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    hahaha I never said that I speak English even in another message I explained that I only translate what I write, if you are interested I speak and write German, Spanish and Italian perfectly. (I am Italian, I was born in South America and I have been living and working in Austria for 15 years)...
  12. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Friend, I don't know if you were always online and you answered whispers, I know you whispered to me and you asked me my age and I told you 16, you also told me that the Velier player's only advantage was his weapon and that the Uchiha player simply cheated, I don't I forgot, I'm also going to...
  13. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    here he gave you some notes on the evolution of Doc. Weber, just as an example so that you understand what I am talking about and saying. The data goes from May 3, when it appeared for the first time in the table of the first nine, I also have the screenshots of all this data, the hours and day...
  14. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    O have said everything I had to say, I have all the screen copies of the experience updates, except for the ones that came when I was sleeping, although I did get the one when I woke up and it is easy to know using a simple calculator that they kept reading, and That's what I call a test, I'm...
  15. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Well, after resting for a few days and meditating on what this Event left behind, I have come to the conclusion that unfortunately, despite the efforts of the support, it was overwhelmed by cheating players, they have presented themselves as a true band from the old west, taking everything for...