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Search results

  1. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I would say using and installed are two different words. Also there're some allowed scripts and players been banned for that as well. Like dark said, logged, did 4x 15s and logged out, after 2 hours back, banned. Lvl under 10, who done 4 jobs im pretty sure used for example silver jobs or...
  2. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Same here, we havent even played for hour, quests and first jobs all I've been doing during that hour. Rules saying "using scripts or any other illegal ways" and we havent even used any of them doesnt matter if legal or illegal. I just have scripts in my browser that's all. If they would have...
  3. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    While ago, I finally got the same response, but account is still banned, now the question is, why GM from net got already unbanned more than hour ago, when the reason was same.
  4. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Yeah, well, almost 2 hours already lost, let's see how long it will takes
  5. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    At least you got some answer, here still nothing :D
  6. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Same here, havent used any script, I have installed scripts as mentioned in screenshots. Wrote a ticket hour ago, havent answered yet, but GM from net already unbanned, nice :)