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Search results

  1. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Anyway, you can say whatever you want, you will always get the following answer: "Using a script" or "The system detects that you have a TW script active". It doesn't matter if you used it or not, without looking at the history of what you did in the game, just having it enabled in your browser...
  2. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I say it's outrageous ! There should be no difference. I didn't use a script, I just forgot to disable The west calc script, a script I found on the .net forum. Ok, the rules are: no script, but the error is human. If they had looked at my actions on the game, they would have seen that I didn't...
  3. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Yeah ! I didn't use a script, I was doing my quests for the free VIP, I wrote a ticket but no answer... Do you have to be a GM to be unbanned ? :rolleyes:
  4. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    We are all banned for nothing :D