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Search results

  1. guy incognito

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Any news on the Participation reward yet?
  2. guy incognito

    Oops! We ran into some problems. Please enter a valid message.

    Oops! We ran into some problems. Please enter a valid message.
  3. guy incognito

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    They banned me and others even when first thing we did on the world was disabling all scripts on the event world and reload the page so no script can be used. So basically they banned for having scripts not for using scripts.
  4. guy incognito

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Sees the Golden job script, or you just have not been banned yet. For me it also took around an hour before they banned me for having scripts active for the 30 seconds or so it took me to immediately disable all scripts on the event world and reload the page.
  5. guy incognito

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    To summarize the standard reply I got, they used a tool to automatically detect scripts and banned people for "Use of scripts".
  6. guy incognito

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Yes thnx, but I think you're referring to the point below. I also read that as "if you need to do a quest that on normal worlds requires a crafted jug with water, on this event world you can do the quest with a separate jug and a separate glass water with no crafting needed" I wasn't asking...
  7. guy incognito

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    So as an example, if you are a tonic peddler and you need 50 jug with water (field cook makes those) for crafting, you need to do the special quest "Jug with Water" 50 times?