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Search results

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Hello It’s over, thank you: how do we ask for the participation gift?? Thank you
  2. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    A voter
  3. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I have no desire, I already have the weapons of El Gringo, I won 2 speeds! Dexterity has nothing to do with how fast you click, I’ve been playing this game for 15 years. I think I know it. I didn’t come to win but to test the dropps of the latest works, I already have the El Gringo weapons but...
  4. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I’m stuck like many of us, a friend sent me the link to speed, I launched it with chrome, with my usual tools. I have been playing this game for 15 years, I paid for all my characters 60,000 €uros yes you read well: 60,000 €uros. I’ve never been stuck in this game in my life. The support puts...
  5. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Have you been at home since the game started? Are you serious? I know that this set is great, I won 2 speeds and I have the weapons but I could not have been locked in my house all this time. I’m here to test the new dropps not to win, the set I don’t need, it won’t do me any good. Still take...
  6. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Hello watch the video, right click and take the last choice, it appears the name of a software : Buffer Health What is it ? Clic and look : Buffer : Buffer's system was hacked, allowing the hackers to get access to many users’ accounts.
  7. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Hello Look at this video it’s strange, there is no index under start and there are some writings that we don’t have. 16 mn 36 If the player uses a utility on google, it overwrites the settings of the game, so we don’t see the index under start but instead we read codes related to the...
  8. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Of course he automatically throws his character, it’s obvious. When he made the video, he was in front of his screen to film, he was there. Notice a detail: when we launch several jobs, under start, we have an index that is displayed that we cannot hide in the interface, I tried, impossible to...
  9. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Hello the player ranked number 1 has put youtube videos we see that his character launches automatically, all alone, so he does not need to be in front of his screen to play, he uses a software that allows to launch his personnage automatically. Why isn’t this player stuck? Is he a friend of...
  10. Classic Event World - discussion

    Today is 26.03 : i don't habe my present :mad: