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Search results

  1. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    yeah, this completely nerfs the traps/hiding builds, but introduces the dodge build as potentially viable
  2. Feedback IFBC3

    hear, hear. rather than being best of three it should have been to 8 points (with a total points tiebreaking scheme in a 3-match round), so if you score a 6-0 in match 1 or 2 the opponent would need to hold you to 1 point in the other match to send it to a 3rd match
  3. Feedback IFBC3

    My biggest critique is that to a great extent the winners were pre-ordained by the character class choices made at the beginning -- those that didn't bring enough duelers to the event had little chance. Some could course correct by "replacing" enough players, but far better would be to have a...