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Search results

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    will there always be problems to login on the account or battle when there will be 5 battles at once or will this be fixed?
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    50 vs 44 doesnt make sense since most of the attacks won... this change just makes attackers stronger
  3. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    i was talking to criminus about this and he suggested to have multiple battles at once with 2 towns at each side so everybody could fit in
  4. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    when it goes live, is it possible to have one awesomia battle for example to do some quest that requires battle before the actual championship battles begin?
  5. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    i would say saturday/sunday should be fine
  6. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    toolkit script is not tolerated, and guy didnt get banned, thats what i am asking why didnt he get banned ?
  7. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    i know someone who has toolkit script and he didnt get banned, so is it allowed or not ? so people know, because without that script battles look completely different, you have no idea what is the HP difference and stuff like that
  8. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    so why some people got banned for using only "tolerated" scripts ?
  9. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    well we did vote and 46 vs 42 option won no?
  10. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    yeah thats the point, if there would be only 50 players allowed, you need to strategize even more what characters you choose...
  11. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    with only 50 players in a team you might have even more teams registered, not much extra players, only 4 in attack, 8 in defence. Plus it would depend even more what characters teams choose. And less players angry that they couldnt be on a battle because of too many players registered
  12. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    hmm 46 vs 42 battles when you can have 60 players in a team... that means every attack 14 players extra and in defence 18 players extra... a little bit too much i think, should be only 50 players allowed in a team, whats the point of having so many extra players when 1/4 of them cant even play?
  13. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    the event should be over before july... then a lot of people stop caring about west as lady suggested... so the event should start mid april the latest in my opinion
  14. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    i just dont like the idea that some countries would have multiple teams battling against each other... i mean the point of this event is to decide which country is the best so there should be only one team per country in my opinion
  15. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    better option would probably be both attack/defence at once so you have attack team and defence team like at previous IFBC, rather that than having multiple teams from one country in my opinion
  16. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    I would go with B version ... 120-150 people might be too many for some countries and 50-60 people is too little for many countries...
  17. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Winners will be published on the forum at the latest 14 days after the event ends.
  18. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I wish there would be 2 reward categories like the last international gold rush, for people who use nuggets and for people who dont use nuggets... otherwise if you are not willing to spend a lot of money on nuggets its not worth trying to win something
  19. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    pretty shameful that guy wins most dodges because of multiaccount soldier with full leadership bonus :) but hey, support doesnt care so what
  20. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    and they can already give rewards to workers lol