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Search results

  1. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    @Syntex You do realise, when someone has gotten a serious advantage you should make every possible thing to bring fairness back. This event was all about fairness and nothing else. You made a mistake and you left old advertising links working. Many many many players have used those links and...
  2. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Simply remove all purchased items and remove the money..
  3. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I like how it says about unfairness meanwhile every single Town that is built has different clothes in it yet in the announcement it says all towns will not have any clothes and only Admin town will have clothes for "FAIRNESS" guess that word doesn't exist all the time.
  4. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Imagine starting a whole event and forgetting to give the actual starter pack that all players need. Why would you even bother making it if you're wont give it? Then ban players for using old link. Greatly managed game :D :D :D :D :D
  5. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    What "Peace Times" are you refferring to? Because I can tell you for sure , we never had IFBC during Easter EVER. This is the first time that IFBC will be held in Easter. Whatever fits the narrative best am I right?
  6. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I'm not trying to prove anything , all I want is a fair understanding of this situation. I don't know where you are from but Germany for example have already celebrated Easter because they are mostly Catholics and Catholics celebrate Easter earlier that Orthodox. Since Catholics have already...
  7. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    If you have nothing to actually prove your point don't reply and let someone with higher power do so. You do not give any useful answer so you writing is meaningless. Catholics don't go as often to church as Orthodox, it's a fact , you might be Catholic and for you not going to church is normal...
  8. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I'm sorry but your comment has 0 value of point. Catholics don't really go to church as much as we Orthodox do. That's a fact , so you should respect that, calling it exaggeration for going to Church is disrespectful. The ones who their idea won WANT FAIRNESS and nothing else , whatever we say...
  9. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    There's a serious issue that needs to be addressed and a possible solution to be found: Regarding Easter , as we know , Easter is celebrated 2 different dates because of Catholics having it earlier and Orthodox having it later. Since Catholics have already made Easter , Orthodox Easter is on...
  10. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Let's just hope for fairness :)
  11. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    It shouldn't be random , I guess they will use coin flip or something similar like they do in Football when deciding from which side they will start or will they have ball control. IF it will be random.
  12. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    @Syntex Can we have an answer on these? Will there also be the + LP bonus?
  13. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Why would it be unfair for someone that will not make the quest? If more people want to make quest that require FF then simply put a few more awesomia battles or just increase the capacity.
  14. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Next Monday should be the best option , 1 week of preparation is enough.
  15. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Give LP bonus
  16. felixzey

    We need sets for IFBC4

    I'm okay with playing without sets , the better combinations win and will make the difference on how teams use the clothes. One thing that I would want to be added is + Labor points bonus and more $ bonus. All and all , the system and everything else is great.
  17. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Saloon bag was totally unnecessary, if all players started at 1 level without any crazy XP bonus , all items required to get for the tutorial quest would've been finished in less than 5 minutes because of the Greenhorn bonus. Starting with 150 makes it again more difficult to farm products. If...
  18. felixzey

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    will all named items be in the GM town? or at least specific fort related items?
  19. felixzey

    Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    Simply take Champions League for example, there are multiple teams from a single country, those teams are the best teams that represent that said country. Bigger countries have more teams and small countries have less , let's say for example the English teams , they have a lot of good teams like...
  20. felixzey

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Surprise! There is also a participation reward for everyone! Stay tuned, we will announce it soon what is it exactly! Your The West Team