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Search results

  1. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    option c some new idea's lets see how that works
  2. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    everybody getting a prize should be checked the rest? no need for but what about the participation prize? whats it gonna be?
  3. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    there probably will be a thread with winners after that? probably support with account and server name
  4. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    some comms allow scripts but if you log in and deactivate all scripts you still get banned without using any so the script detector is as always with everything from inno buged as hell doesn't surprise me a bit all new things from inno are useless or bugged
  5. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I guess they changed the quest instead of water jugs you gonna need jugs and water thats how I read it :cool:
  6. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    not even possible cause premium is nuggs and the difference between free and nuggs is too big to even attempt it participation prize should be at some level 100 or 150 or so so that people don't log in once and don't do anything anymore I would understand that recap on the server? its just a...
  7. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    no participation prize? so if you don't use nuggs? you are already lost? and don't get anything for the effort or are there some other prizes to be gained without nuggs?
  8. Classic Event World - discussion

    2 weeks later? still nothing I don't call that nearing the end
  9. Classic Event World - discussion

    still nothing here? also I see that the support ticket made for the reward is removed?
  10. Classic Event World - discussion

    Item upgrade: Inactive is active.... just upgraded the joker
  11. Classic Event World - discussion

    how late will the server open?
  12. Classic Event World - discussion

    something funny? Construction ranking 1st place in construction ranking → Prison Brothers' clothing set 2nd place in construction ranking → 3 items from Prison Brothers' clothing set 3rd place in construction ranking → Prison Brothers dog and shackle you get half a clothing set at 2nd place...