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Search results

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Not to be forgotten, special thanks to kruK629 and zartas for keeping a close eye on the game process, always willing to help, advise players on the rules, add items to the inventory, declare battles on time, because if these two dudes weren't carrying the whole admin team on their backs, this...
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    The fact that players got banned for using a Legendary knife that has been in her inventory for a month and she got it from a quest in a legal way negates any logic or common sense, our player also had it in battles 3-2 weeks ago because she got it from a quest (even in the time before the...
  3. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Succuboy, one of the admins (not Syntex) wrote back to us on the ticket that Rice Stew and Chamomile are forbidden, rather I'm pointing out (an example, not far from reality) that in one battle 20 attackers could use 20x Chamomile, which is plus 10 skill points per player multiplied by 20, which...
  4. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    But the problem is that, while in the case of using Rice Stew you can find out, prove it and report it to support, in the case of using Chamomile you have no way to find out, prove it, and thus you have nothing to send to support. That's why I wrote the post above, it's logical or rational not...
  5. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    In this unpleasant situation, there is one more extreme or ultimate possibility and that is that all 4 semi-final teams would agree on some fair terms through some kind of contract. This very frustrating situation was caused by the fact that: 1. the management of the game did not prevent the...
  6. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I think it's pointless to ask if the wild horse is allowed or forbidden, because in the last 3 quarterfinal battles, most of the players already had it in the fort battle, and no one asked about it then until now. But Succuboy and EREWAN rightly point out the huge complications that come with...
  7. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I could agree with that, or the second option is to forbid everything from some point, but what you write is acceptable. As for the Rice porridge, I have a suggestion that from now on it will be available in the store for everyone for UPD/dollars.
  8. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I wouldn't say it so radically, we could acknowledge the qualities of this tournament, in many ways this tournament is a really nice diversion, after so many years I haven't enjoyed this game as much as I do now (thrilling fights, evenly matched duels and adventures too, the necessity of...
  9. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    And my final question is, so who asked you if you could remove less than a whole level? Because apparently it is obvious that absolutely no one knew about it except some players from the PL1 team. That's sus.
  10. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I will argue differently from the others, not on the theoretical side, but on the practical side, I want to point out what consequences it had for the other teams that are already eliminated. The GR1 team had three players who were just below level 153 for the last few days, at 99% of level...
  11. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Well, time is short, there was enough controversy, instead of arguing or even insulting, we could at least try to find a fair solution. Because if the PL1 team wins tomorrow, there will be a lot of hatred, conspiracy theories, rumors, etc. Therefore, I want to propose two variants of a possible...