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Search results

  1. Criminus

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    We are still making preparations for the event. I think this will be decided today or later tomorrow.
  2. Criminus

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    We are still getting applications in. At the moment just MIX1 is done we are waiting for more players to join.
  3. Criminus

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I am not sure which question I should answer? I think the announcements are clear about the event and its schedule. I mean ... I can't give you a call and explain the rules, terms and conditions, answer each of the question (which you can find already in the announcement), etc. If you are...
  4. Criminus

    Results design event

    For voting only you will get: 1x Booby Trap and 50 Bonds. Criminus