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Search results

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    @Sintex: Is it true that players resident in Italy cannot participate? Isn't it possible to make them participate without giving them prizes of any kind? Thank you
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Is it true that players resident in Italy cannot participate? Isn't it possible to make them participate without giving them prizes of any kind? Thank you
  3. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    Hello, After the battles seen in IFBC 3, all very balanced, after the reduction in the number of attackers and after 3 months of testing the new formules I wonder if it is so important for the battles to change the current formulas. In my opinion, the reduction of the attackers has already...
  4. Feedback IFBC3

    What did you like the most? The structure of the tournament, very beautiful. What did you like the least? - The distributed clothing sets were unbalanced in favor of the damage, I hope that the new changes can improve the differences. - in my opinion, whoever loses the final must be classified...