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Search results

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    What about that Locked out quest and our glossy premium chests? What about the fact that the 48hr window support promised us is slowly turning into 4-8 days?
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    A new double standard? Now that we know that market quests can be solved by the support team (can other quests where UPD shop items are needed?) - we're facing a strange situation - apparently, SOME support members don't mind awarding shiny premium chests, whereas others start by claiming it's...
  3. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Regarding the religious holidays: there could be teams that have no Orthodox players (or 1-2), who could ask to have battles at that time, if too many people are concerned about the "delay". And it's not unreasonable to accommodate all religions, just a brief look at Islam holidays, we might...
  4. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    hi firet0uch... let me get something clear - I don't think it's clear WHY people voted for option C - was it the sets? no upgrades? the level? no exping? the team size? the fort size? Has there been a survey asking any (preferably ALL) of this I'm unaware of? I don't think so. We had ONE survey...
  5. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Thanks, Syntex. However, the question is Toolkit, a script which ISN'T on the list, but nobody can imagine leading a battle without it. Could the admin team please have a look at the script, see if it's that harmful and consequently allow the use of it? The real time statistics for battles it...
  6. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    So if a division has 4 teams, that means 6 battles within division and then also another 8 fights (against a division of 4 teams), so 14 battles in total? If divisions have more teams, then more, of course, but the 14 would be the minimum?
  7. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    My issue is timing. If we'd started 1st March as suggested, we would've finished before the high vacation season. We're supposed to have a practice event as well. So by my most optimistic estimates, we get the practice server in April, we start in May... May, June, mid-July... I can't see many...
  8. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    I think it'd be interesting to see a crossover of all ideas submitted. Or the average of those. Or perhaps facilitate voting without the lengthy registration for the forum here.
  9. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    if every player has the same OP set, it's not OP anymore.
  10. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    And good luck beating the team of organisers, as well as anyone who played the event they based this one on. Because why create something new for everyone if you can create something YOU'VE tried and figured out how to play.
  11. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    IFBC should be a SUPPORTIVE activity to your already active worlds, please vote for ones that don't force you to be there for a long time, you want your old worlds to survive as well, think about the teammates who won't have the little distraction of IFBC... All of you voting for C) are really...
  12. This will be your final submission! It can't be modified! Alliance cooperation, medium forts - Lady & Mr. Duck submission

    We propose a Championship that truly tests the cooperation that is necessary for great fights – we designed this event for alliances, although everyone will be in one town if the team so wishes. We propose middle forts since the movement and tactics opportunities truly matter there the most...