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Search results

  1. Syntex

    International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Howdy Fort Fighters, It has been a quite a time since this tournament has started. Although the more significant length of the tournament, you all have proven to fight until the end while representing your country. I must say, these last months have been a great learning opportunity for us...
  2. Syntex

    International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls, At the last stage of the event is expected that everyone knows the rules, and leaders make everything possible in order for their team to respect the rules. The leaders responsibility is not allow a player to the battle who does not comply with the rules. From this...
  3. Syntex

    International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Stage 5 Schedule Nr. Date Time Defender Attacker Notes Max Level: 154 150 2024-07-08 20:30 RO2 PL2 151 2024-07-08 21:00 CZ GR2 152 2024-07-10 20:30 PL2 RO2 153 2024-07-10 21:00 GR2 CZ 154 2024-07-12 20:30 RO2 PL2 155 2024-07-12 21:00 CZ GR2...
  4. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    So sorry for the confusion, it should have been RO2 and CZ who choose the side. Battles are between 20:00 and 21:00, you know the dates already for the last stage.
  5. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    It will be when we announce winners.
  6. Syntex

    International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls, We are thrilled to announce the last and final stage of our tournament. Congratulations for everyone making so far in this tournament. Schedule for all teams: 1. Battle 2. Battle 3. Battle 4. Battle 5. Battle 6. Battle 7. Battle 2024-07-08 2024-07-10 2024-07-12...
  7. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Sorry about that, we have created a new link.
  8. Syntex

    International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Howdy everyone! We would like to highlight some things: Please note that according to the rules, you cannot use set items during the Fort Battle which were gained because the Soccer event was active. There is no restriction for using buffs gained from this event. We have added the droppable...
  9. Syntex

    International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Stage 4 Schedule Nr. Date Time Defender Attacker Notes Level restriction: 153 140 2024-6-26 20:30 RO2 CZ 141 2024-6-26 21:00 GR2 PL2 142 2024-6-28 20:30 CZ RO2 143 2024-6-28 21:00 PL2 GR2 144 2024-6-30 20:30 RO2 CZ 145 2024-6-30 21:00...
  10. Syntex

    International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls, First of all, let me apologize for our late reaction for the events. My time is more limited now, that's why I can post this announcement only now. Level reduction We would like to apologize for the misunderstanding regarding the level reduction. We have not...
  11. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    This rule was there since the start, we have never reduced a level before adding this info to the support page. I have never thought about misusing this feature this way, it was added because in first request we were asked if we could remove less than a whole level. It was never our intention...
  12. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Weh When you select the level reduction in support tool you have more information. During the event you can request your level to be reduced with 1 level, only once! We will remove XP in order to be at the 0% of the lower level. (e.g. at level 151, we change your level 150 with XP: 22628789)...
  13. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Erewan I believe you make an issue where there is none. If you want to duel people we also have the NPC characters. The other option would have been to ban eliminated players, which would have prevented them from being dueled. It is the same thing, only that we do not want to restrict them to...
  14. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    There are 2 possibilities: If you are eliminated and duel someone who is not, you can cause disadvantage for them. If you are not eliminated and duel players who are eliminated, you can push yourself if the other player does not have good clothes, because they stopped playing. This could...
  15. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    We have announced it on the main page. I also updated the rules to contain this information. Eliminated players are still here to watch. Please do not duel them. So: eliminated players CAN ONLY duel eliminated players players who are still in the championship CAN ONLY duel players who are...
  16. Syntex

    International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Stage 3 Schedule Nr. Time Defender Attacker Notes Max Level: 152 120 2024-6-10 20:00 DE2 CZ 121 2024-6-10 20:20 GR2 GR1 Rescheduled: 21:15 122 2024-6-10 20:40 PL1 PL2 123 2024-6-10 21:00 RO1 RO2 124 2024-6-12 20:00 GR1 GR2 Rescheduled...
  17. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Level Restriction table: 2024-04-15 and 2024-05-05 - Max. Level 150 2024-05-06 and 2024-05-26 - Max. Level 151 2024-05-27 and 2024-06-16 - Max. Level 152 2024-06-17 and 2024-07-07 - Max. Level 153 2024-07-08 and 2024-07-28 - Max. Level 154
  18. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    It is also possible that there was an issue on our end. Unfortunately, duel protection sometimes does not work as we set it up. Please let us know if it appears again.
  19. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    All right, I changed it. Leaders have until Saturday to answer and we still need to schedule them
  20. Syntex

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Thanks, fixed. We need leaders to confirm if they want to attack or defend. You asked to make it faster, so instead of 10 days, we finish with the battles in 5 days. Should we have 1 day breaks?