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Search results

  1. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Sure for win achievement category you need cheating ofc haha, some of the events didnt even reach 25k jobs done. And 3 years ago there was Dobby pro 4 I used it to be 2nd in xp rank :D I tried to translate his post and I got it, I played 20h everyday during this event but I reached only 81k...
  2. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    That's exactly haha, would be easy win but who cares about dead server :D
  3. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    https://forum.the-west.net/index.php?threads/14th-birthday-speed-winners.60842/ - https://prnt.sc/8glg2Usl-kqs https://forum.the-west.net/index.php?threads/the-secret-project-speed-server.60976/ https://prnt.sc/zqfewAfY2V7C...
  4. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I'm just curious why don't you speak also about antonio with 115k jobs done in one month, banned 2 or 3 times. All the time you are speaking only about uchiha with 82-83k jobs done. You must be possessed by him. :D
  5. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Hahaha 30h out of 48h, are you serious? Do you need more than 18h of sleeping ? I had more hours of 15s in 48h than him :D Playing for 30h without break is nothing, if you are weak, don't play xp category. Everything above 48h+ without break is becoming more and more suspicious. Your proof is...
  6. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I dont defend anyone, just your words have no sense, I would say all you saying are just empty words either numbers or whatever.
  7. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    First of all, study english because I dont understand a sht, second of all, it's not your business what kind of job have someone else, third of all, stop with bs. it means you have more accounts or account sharing or what ? :p Btw, I played with different IP as well, I asked about that of...
  8. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I wanna see statistics about me, especially when toto had approx 8-10k jobs less than me. Especially, when I had only 337,5h out of ~672h. And still waiting for screenshot or link about my posted videos, which I deleted later ofc. Btw mr. toto, I won 2nd place in xp rank 3 years ago on net...
  9. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Toto is just trying to be interesting and accuse everyone for everything, guess that meditating isnt helping at all. And yeah I noticed he didnt include antonio, player with the most jobs done. Well, at least he noticed we all posted videos, used dobby or whatever and also knows us from the...
  10. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    What would you expect from kid
  11. blade 350

    Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    What are you speaking about me? I was in top 9 for a long time before players like rumano, nikos or pergher got banned. You, yes you and the rest of mentioned were on the 2nd and 3rd page of xp rank. I was spamming all the time same hours constantly, in the end I had 81k jobs done which means...