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Search results

  1. etriel

    New Fort Battle formula on Event Server - End of the tests

    Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls, We have just disabled the altered formulas for damage and resistance, so only the changes to the structure bonuses remain active. This allows us to test these in isolation and have a clearer view of the effects of these changes. We will have some special battles to...
  2. etriel

    International Gold Rush - The End

    Dear Cowboys and Cowgirls, The International Gold Rush event has ended. Taking this opportunity, we want to thank everyone for fantastic adventure and fair play game. We would like to congratulate for all winners! Players who gain the most Experience Points: Clay Clayton and bzolaa Doc Weber...
  3. etriel

    Event sever downtime

    Good morning! Please note, our event server "Gold Rush" will inaccessible for approximately 10 minutes on the 12th September 2018 (around 14:30). We do apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. Best Regards, Your The West Team
  4. etriel

    International Gold Rush

    Quick, quick, quick - Hurry! Our new event is finally here, our International Gold Rush! The fast with the mind and quick on the draw need only apply! It has been some months since we hosted the International Fort Battle Championship, second in line with be our very first International speed...
  5. etriel

    Gold Rush discussion

    Ready to speed through the game?
  6. etriel

    THE END...

    Dear Playes, I hope you're enjoying a nice and warm holiday season! We are now almost ready to grant you all the rewards. They will be sent to your characters after New Year's Day. We are sorry for the delay. Happy New Year! Your The West Team
  7. etriel

    THE END...

    Dear Playes, Behind us are ten great weeks on Awesomia. Thank you all for this great adventure and amazing battles. Four teams made it to the final round, but the champion can be only one. We are honored to announce that Hungary became the new champion of the fort battles. Please see the...
  8. etriel

    Restart of the Final Phase

    Dear players of the final phase, due to technical problems and missing fairness regarding cross-team trading before the start of the final phase, we decided in consultation with the team leaders to restart the final phase and to annul the five previous battles. Therefore, this week no further...
  9. etriel

    IFBC - Start of the final phase

    Hello everybody! During the last weeks we had a lot of exciting fights and we hope you enjoyed them and had a lot of fun, even if your team did not make it into the next round. Finally the following four teams will fight against each other in the final phase: Czech Republic (CZ) Germany (DE)...
  10. etriel

    IFBC - player replacements

    Hello everybody! If your team still lacks players, because some of your team members have not logged in yet or disappeared mysteriously, you will now be able to exchange them. You have time for requesting replacements until 27.09.2017, 23:59. What are the requirements for replacements? The...