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Search results

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    On behalf of team RO2, congrats PL2. Good luck CZ and GR2 in the decider. Until next time!
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    So: You keep saying that despite being told it was reported and no action was taken. Right. And then your team reported my team because you're scared we pass MIX3 and meet you in the quarter-finals with full shiny weapons. And X-Viper still acts like he does not understand the double-standard...
  3. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    "As the leader of the team DE1 it's very funny to see my team as one of the big favourites :D" - ChRiStOpHeR...... Chris, chill. Your team is nowhere near good enough to make it to quarter-finals, hence all the drama about what qualifies as pushing, and all these things being tolerated for your...
  4. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    How come we didn't think of that.... I also demand an apology for being treated like a 6 years old. But I can live without one too, don't worry. Also, you'd better explicitly add a "no bear or weak weapons / clothes in tournament battles" so we can move on with our lives and get the bears ready...
  5. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Did you even read this? I mean... Why is DE1 still playing if this is illegal? HOW is this illegal? 6th of May I complain about the same thing and nothing happens. Now, it's all of the sudden an issue. Now what I don't understand is what is your assumption: that I can't read? That I don't see...
  6. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    pursue* One could say this bear fight qualifies as pushing. I am not. I am saying it would be fair to give the rest of the teams the chance to do the same. My team would happily volunteer as a sparring partner. And I think so would RO1, especially as there's a mistakenly dug battle at PL2 vs RO1...
  7. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    Some points. Activity/levels: What is the purpose of activity in this game? the more active a player is, the higher the chance that he'll spend nuggets on the game. I agree with that. You give VIP for everybody. Perfect. Then why force them to be active? Level 150? Sure. But CAP it at level 150...