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We need sets for IFBC4

Do you agree with the introduction of the previously mentioned sets in the shop?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 25 61.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


It's 2024, the year when hundreds of sets and lvl 250 exist and we are playng the 4th international fort battle championship with lvl 150 and tailor's items? Really? We also need to farm in order to get products with fort bonuses. The structure of the championship is good, but the fact that we have no items is downright ridiculous. How could the attackers win if it is practically impossible to deal enough damage to KO all defenders if the right team composition is made?
I propose the introduction of some sets in the shop with a 99% discount, the upgrade should be prohibited, just as it is now. The sets proposed by me are: John Bull, Leavenworth, John Astor and Sousa. Full sets, with clothes, weapons and horse sets.
The championship has not started, there is still time.


maybe you haven't played forts on this training world before, but it takes 20 rounds for someone to pass out, I don't think it's ok?


Can you use a calculator?
an good attack can deal around 15 to 20k damage per round -> Lets say 15k!
A deffense can have realistic 700-800k HP -> Lets say 750k!
Shootout in 50 rounds.

Why should this not be ok?


And as already said in the other thread: The option won with a huge majority! And a key factor of this option was the "no set policy".
We should therefor keep this!


I'm okay with playing without sets , the better combinations win and will make the difference on how teams use the clothes. One thing that I would want to be added is + Labor points bonus and more $ bonus. All and all , the system and everything else is great.