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Recent content by Zajecza Lapka

  1. Zajecza Lapka

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I'm sorry but that's so not true. (I'm speaking about PL2 rreplacements)
  2. Zajecza Lapka

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    That's obvius that you can replace they player that is inactive. The issue with PL2 is that those players were active, they've claimed the chest and had been banned. And still, replaced players got diffrent classes. Now some clarifaction should take place who we consider inactive. I'm aware of...
  3. Zajecza Lapka

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    The information was that they're increasing sizies of the teams. There was nothing about testing there. But i witnessed what some GMs can and cannot do (Criminus) so i wouldnt be surprised.
  4. Zajecza Lapka

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Yeah. Prob you're the only one. There're server msg on test server that they're gonna increase it to 44vs50.
  5. Zajecza Lapka

    We need sets for IFBC4

    Touch some grass mass. Cheers