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Recent content by Succuboy

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    As I said, everybody who got banned kept their items already bought with the bonus money code from the practice. So what was the point of the ban anyways? Just to slow down the ones who tried to see if the link work. Kekw. Also people managed to use the money code to do the collector's fort...
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I hope they won't keep the items.
  3. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    No point in bragging all around here, it won't change anything, wait for the ban time to pass and move on. Even I got banned because i just used the codes, not like i bought any item off the shop, and did like, what, 3 or 4 missions. It is fully staff's fault because they forgot to deactivate...
  4. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    I vote for OPTION C as I think it would be much enjoyable and funer, but I highly prefer the max level to be 250 and to have specific proper sets (Sousa Clothes + Captain Weapon set + Murrieta horse+saddle/Astor Clothes and Weapon set + Murrieta horse+saddle |||| Leavenworth clothes set +...