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Recent content by raketak95

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Still unfortunately what I´ve read between the lines one side of the battle is more likely to be winning the battles than the other, so if any team would have greater/lower amount of possibilities to play this side, it makes inbalance no matter what balancing criteria like % of available points...
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Well, thank you for reply - but still I see couple of problems in your proposal. In contrast with mine understandment - the group stage would be quite sensible, it would eliminate 5 teams instead of one - making it somehow meaningful. Problem for me is the imbalance in games played accross the...
  3. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I have a question regarding the playoff organization. Currently, according to the video of draw tournament have 15 teams in 2 conferences and 4 divisions. Playoff format counts with 14 teams - from what I think conference champions will go straight through to playoff quarterfinals and teams from...
  4. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    Thanks for your matured advice - I though the discussion is about sharing opinions, but in DE you are probably used to some sort of dictate. :( Nevermind, I got the answer for what I've wanted to know and adjust my participation accordingly.
  5. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    Have you ever tried battles with basic items? In my opinion rebalance from fixed bonuses was done wrongly - there are so many nonsenses (like op slouch hat, bowler hat compare to f.e. calvary hats), basic set items not fitting into sets of individual part, hats being probably stronger than the...
  6. Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    How about sets - there isn´t any specification. Does it mean equipment will be purely from town items, quests and drop?
  7. Feedback IFBC3

    I agree with everything, what was written above about battles itself and I won´t go deeper into that. I find a bit sad, that because of OP damage output and weak resistance, there is no variety in builds and there are generally just full leadership duellers, (almost) full HP soldiers, with...