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Recent content by Old Mustaros Kez

  1. IFBC 3 - discussion

    I already did it. 2 days ago...
  2. IFBC 3 - discussion

    from now on, in addition to the precise single shot rifle, each team can also receive rusty rifles in their Gunsmith. But this will be the only quest item we will add to your townshops as it is necessary for the Legendary Golden Gun. When? :)
  3. IFBC 3 - discussion

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D so funny CM Where is the fairplay?
  4. IFBC 3 - discussion

    nice job! We need indian's set for questline! + 120 players are able to work more, than 105... #fAiRpLaY