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Recent content by lulumcnoob

  1. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    I don't know if some actual feedback is allowed, or if they are all still moaning about getting banned for bots and silver job scripts, but the reskill potions are just a bit too expensive imo.
  2. Classic Event World - discussion

    I want to start by saying this "classic-like" world is way more fun then the current version, and thank you for running it. There are a lot of players competing here across all categories, and lots of players just having fun - I do have some notes on improvements that could be made, if anyone...
  3. Classic Event World - discussion

    You'll get the Mexican set eventually, but yeah, it's really slow at the start. You could also try Horseback Riding :P
  4. Classic Event World - discussion

    Some things that would be cool to add to the Classic feeling; Remove chatroom limits so everyone is in one room, like old county chat, A speed boost to compensate for the much larger v2.x map Ban pants users This should be fun :)
  5. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    At this point, with the sets still increasingly messing things up and the uncertainty of level cap increase, I'd be happy if the changes just meant we had a single other option in defences than "bail inside and wait for attack to mount" every. single. night.
  6. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    This is no longer the IFBC, it's now a testing ground for formula changes. As for the level cap increase rumoured recently, it's fairly vital to give casual players more content to keep them interested and the population on our worlds high enough for potentially good battles. Is it possible...
  7. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    Medium battle around midday, Large in prime time and a small at night? People also seem to prefer a real town's attack over a NPC town attack, most likely due to ranking.
  8. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    Yeah I hope that guy gets banned, and we get the same mechanic Beta world has for stopping multi-battles on a testing world. This also blocks the forts from being dug again for 2 days, so maybe admins can spread those battles out over a couple of days or something.
  9. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    Thank you for posting your thoughts @Hayate Tarzanino, I really hope you continue to comment as the re-balancing process advances. You eloquently and precisely described the situation and the issues of fort fighting, and actually had constructive comments about Pay-to-win, which is incredible...
  10. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    I wonder if Class changes could be considered at some point in the testing process, or will we have to delete and make new accounts to try other classes?
  11. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    That particular hit was so high because the player has 21k if I'm not mistaken, which I believe is intended to encourage deviation from pure HP builds, along with pure leadership builds with the other part of the formula, and we're hopefully going to see some resistance changes soon too.
  12. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    A "home base" for fort fighters is something we've been pushing for on .net too, I'm sure the idea has wide appeal on all markets so I hope they look into it sometime. I believe as a consequence of the pay to win nature of 2.xx, new formulas with diminishing returns are necessary for fair and...
  13. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    I completely agree with that.
  14. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    Everything takes time with just one developer, and there's not gonna be an update on a Friday or the Weekend in case something breaks. Pls ban all the multi accounts and anyone who's been fed items by them though. The "perfect" conditions were great and I hope we don't allow that to be...
  15. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    Well effectively all that happened was the damage formula was changed to remove the viability of pure leadership as a build and shifted that damage to everyone else. you were still watching an otherwise completely regular small battle, where defenders just crumbled 95% of the time in the IFBC...