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Recent content by kasza1987

  1. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    I will promisd I will shut up my face. Some idea Damege bonus 1 + max(0, (min(skill1, leadership, aiming)^0.8 + median(skill1, leadership, aiming)^0.7 + max(skill1, leadership, aiming)^0.6 − |maxHealth ÷ 100| Class idea: The adventurer plan is good. But i think every character need dual skill...
  2. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    I have two questions? 1. Will we get premium, buff, union set, deputy chef's, El Gringo set, The summer spritis set? 2. Will we get something gift on normal server? Few players go fort battle every day and help for test fort battle.
  3. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    You started on june 6 and maybe finished september. Not bad. Goog job for need long time, Big applause.
  4. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    And last quest how win this fort battle without long shot? Red cube shot attecker shot adventure Blue shot north wall see attecker Defender team half ofline. Attacker online. Idea? It is not realy fort fight but all time problem big fort.
  5. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    And i told and again. No uniun set, animal spirti set and el gringo set. We can't uprage for item all item level 0, realy server 2-3 level all item. Please tell me test server fort battle 20-50 player go fort battle, how can test? All time give fake issue. Forexample Hungary florida sever...
  6. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    I dont know how i can start this my novel. I try short, because nobody like read long things. The new formule. Ok it is unfair only leadership give damage. But everybody give, sector damage and buff. So I think realy fort battle, Lots of character damage growing, calculate 1000 damage and 20k...
  7. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    Positve things: Free item, Negative things: Too many fort bonus, 170 dodge, one clever adventures never shot in own tower. Now give some new item, but really server almost everbody play upraged set. Some player is using Union clothes set, and the summer Spirits set, and few character using El...
  8. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    thanks you
  9. Feedback New Fort Battle formula feedback

    hy I am so sorry but i cant understand this, someboby told me how can I calculate now?
  10. IFBC 3 - discussion

    thanks you for extra item :)
  11. IFBC 3 - discussion

    We are just waiting and waiting and no response. I hope they are working on the problem. This is the third IFBC and is already full of buck and last hour rule change. We can't talk to the game organizers for 1 day. We are waiting for your answers
  12. IFBC 3 - discussion

    Hy I counted 105*27 Precise single shot rifle =2835 121*27 Precise single shot rifle =3267 16 extra livigston, murrietta, zapata, Dead Hawk Dancer's Moonshiner's set and lots of buff 16*5= 90 booby trap and ect... It is unfair 3 national follow the rules but 7 nationals don't follow the...