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Recent content by JWillow

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Sorry Henry, I know you don't like it when I answer stuff for the mods but for one question maybe this part will make it clear. (so while called awesomia battles, think he just means mod dug larges) But it is fine to put me back in my place no matter if helpful or not. Howdy Fort Fighters...
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    To be honest the competition has been unfair since the practice, so worrying about a drop in the bucket now is not going to matter much. If IFBC 4 was to be fair, teams should have been registered first and then the practice start with teams players would be on, so all teams had learning...
  3. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    None were appealing, and had to employ the coin toss method to decide between B and C. Though thanks @NotLyrinx for pointing out that C would be a constant grind for levels, just makes it easier choice to skip the event. In the end, I am not sure why if game master truly care for a...
  4. IFBC4 - Settings vote

    @Lazy Duels are needed for some quest(s) that players may choose to do to further themselves in fort battles. (also some players do enjoy dueling when no pay to win sets are around, do you really blame them?) For C, in order to deter click bots you have made it so you have to be a certain...
  5. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    If you didn't get reported to support, you were likely never investigated. As support keeps telling me, they need reports from players to take any action. Would be nice for them to automatically check everyone and this is why I encouraged toto to report any he wants. While your story is sad...
  6. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Yep seems it is time to do so. Seems I should taken the bet that it wouldn't be done in 14 days.
  7. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Rewards: 13.1. Rewards can be claimed to any market to an account which belongs to you. 13.2. Nuggets rewards may be used on any world on that market, while for item rewards you will have to choose a specific world where you would like to receive them. 13.3. Special 'Notes' apply under...
  8. Feedback International Gold Rush V2

    Umm I am not European at all, not in location or size, so you can erase 1 off of that or at least put me in my own category of non european. Also where is number 2 in your list, antonio had over 10,000 more clicks than I did, ie 41+ hours more 15 second jobs, so why would he not be included in...