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Recent content by Henry Higgins

  1. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Ah, and just seen your solution. Looks great and well-thought, thank you!
  2. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Yes, 1 of course would have to be a different size. But, I'd rather not suggest anything that could interfere with fort disbursement. It sure is a lot of swapping and renaming you folks have to do. :D Thank you for the fill-in battles during break and a good first stretch!
  3. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Also, while that's being cleared up if awesomia fort or other larges (and whom will be owning towns), would also be nice to have forts passed out for maneuvers. Not that there's enough small forts (14) for each team, but something might be worthwhile. Certainly don't leave half in one groups...
  4. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Can we have clarification on Awesomia battles during break pls. How are 4 battles supposed to occur simultaneously each day, granted 10m apart on their start time? It says advised divisions, but no restrictions either? The language of this post is hard to understand. Thank you
  5. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    The most positive outcome I've seen of this event thus far, is a list of tolerated scripts. Now we can at least point to this :D
  6. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I'll help ya out then @Criminus No need to call. Just click back 1 page and see it full of unanswered questions that are NOT in the announcement.
  7. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    It's been more than 7 days since a organizer/moderator posted here. I got a routine, copy/paste answer while trying to go through the ticket process. Apparently these guys have given up more than our (.net) team. It might be nice to see some life from moderators. @Syntex @Criminus
  8. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I mainly mean, in those two battles, will it be guaranteed that your team gets 1 attack and 1 defense. Which one that is, either vs same conf div or other conf div, isn't as important to me as being stuck with 2 attacks.
  9. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Question regarding Stage 1 Eliminatory Battles... When your team plays against another division from the same and opposite conference, it says either attack or defend Will that be guaranteed 1 attack and 1 defense or is this random? How is this chosen? There seems to be quite an advantage to...
  10. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Questions to be answered (It's growing longer...) ~ Will potions be sold at the discount or original price (100k vs 1000k) ~ Will towns need to be constructed ~ Will forts be given out, or will they need to be conquered/built/etc ~ What was the determination of the Labor Point poll ~ What was...
  11. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Shows a sale on potion new beginning, so I'm guessing that answers part of my question of did it change. Just curious what its price will be during event. Secondly, are we permitted into battles during practice at level 151 or higher?
  12. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Did the Potion of New Beginning get a new shop price? I could have sworn it was 1000k, now its just 100k. Will this be reflected in event as 100k price?
  13. Henry Higgins

    Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Will the 50k battle payout be a thing or is it merely incentive during practice?
  14. Henry Higgins

    Provide your feedback for IFBC 4

    Not only that, but this should limit the amount of desire to click: Week 1, 2, 3: Player registration for Fort Battles only with Level lower than 151 Week 4, 5, 6: Player registration for Fort Battles only with Level lower than 152 Week 7, 8, 9: Player registration for Fort Battles only with...