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Recent content by devilltown

  1. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    If a player who changes teams will be DISQUALIFIED, why do you change them?;)
  2. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I've been in this game for 16 years. My account on the en server is devil666 deville, I am a ranked 15 player on the westfort page, so I think I am at least a little good at playing the game. https://prnt.sc/EKLJJl1tIdl2
  3. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Why are you always looking for defense? Or don't you have an idea? Let the ADMINs defend it.
  4. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I have seen and attended many local and international events, but I think this is the most disgraceful one. @Syntex it is clear who will win, players should not waste their time because the things that are being done seem like an event that has been planned before and even the award winners...
  5. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    At this point, with the sets still increasingly messing things up and the uncertainty of level cap increase, I'd be happy if the changes just meant we had a single other option in defences than "bail inside and wait for attack to mount" every. single. night.
  6. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    And the problem is still not solved. Even though I did not participate in the battles on the trial server, I played. But I still cannot log in to the IFBC4 server. I registered via support and email on 2024/04/07 and received a positive response but I still cannot log in to the event server...
  7. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    There were a lot of doubts before we even started, I think we will be pawns of an event whose outcome is certain, of course, an event that we still cannot enter.
  8. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    We opened tickets both via e-mail and support. I just stated that if the players are not started at the same time and time, this will result in unfair competition. Each team is formed, if there are more participants, participation is not accepted, but each player is started at the same time to...
  9. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    If so, let the ADMIN answer, not you, with what knowledge or authority do you answer. Do you know more than other players or did you give your opinion while organizing the event?
  10. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    I talked to support 4 days ago.. why is it the players fault? The messages are still there.
  11. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Why is there no explanation? There shouldn't be such indifference, unfair competition is being created among the players.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  12. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Those whose teams are known have now started to earn money and collect experience points. Is this a fair way? After the registration of all players ends, the server will open, I think we will be involved in an unfair race in the first minute.
  13. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Has it been determined which teams those who registered without a team will play in?
  14. Feedback International Fort Battle Championship 4

    Has it been determined which teams the individual participants will be on?